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Read more about our return policy here.
$50.00 minimum order to qualify for shipping. $15.00 flat rate in Canada on orders under $200.00. Orders over $200.00 ship for free in Canada. Oversize charges may apply.
Once your order has been placed it is our priority to have your items packed and delivered to our shipping partner by the following business day.
Our Sol Wet Wading Pants do everything, so you don’t have to compromise anything. Hiking up to your favorite high-mountain lake? Slogging through current while picking apart boulder pockets? Hopping over gunwales to race your buddy to that greasy run? Swapping from poling platform to casting deck between waves of cruising tarpon? These are the only fishing pants on the market that wear like premium hiking pants, offer broad spectrum 40+ UPF sun protection, and dry out by the time you walk back to the truck. The Primeflex™, Dot Air™ microporous premium fabric and articulated leg seams combine breathability and unrestricted movement with the durability and longevity you need in every day, every situation fishing pants.
The Sol Wading Pant is designed with a fitted waistband true to size with little stretch. Both pants and shorts feature a modern fit in the legs for enhanced comfort and mobility. Built to be as comfortable and capable on a three-mile hike to that secret beaver pond as they are jumping in and out of a skiff all day, our Sol Wet Wading Pants have your backside covered.
• Weight: 11.1 oz – 36”
• Textile: 100% Poly Primeflex™ DotAir™ stretch textile with DWR finishing
• 40+ UPF Rating