Returns and exchanges are accomodated on a case by case basis.
To be eligible for a return your item(s) must be in the same condition they were received, have all the tags and original packaging attached and/or intact, and be unused/unworn. Please contact the shop before proceeding with shipping your return.
Please note that return shipping costs are not covered.
Read more about our return policy here.
$50.00 minimum order to qualify for shipping. $15.00 flat rate in Canada on orders under $200.00. Orders over $200.00 ship for free in Canada. Oversize charges may apply.
Once your order has been placed it is our priority to have your items packed and delivered to our shipping partner by the following business day.
Built for the days when your fingers tingle from releasing happy trout into icy water, our Thermo 350 Hoody gives you warmth and comfort in almost any fishing conditions. The heaviest base layer we make, it’s 95% hand-selected New Zealand Merino wool, sheep don’t get cold, and neither should you. A full hood and extra high collar keep you fishing when things get really bitter. With a fluffy, fleeced wool interior and a durable knit face exterior, this is the shirt that shorn sheep wish they could wear. If they did, they might never grow wool again.