
If you could never fly fish again, what activity would subsequently take over your life?
Difficult question to answer! I would need to find something that gives me peace and relaxation but at the same time the gratification and excitement of watching a friend land a big fish.
How do you take your coffee?
If someone buys me coffee anything but if you ask a double double from Tim’s always does the trick.
What was your first fly rod? First time you broke a rod?
Not the first but the most painful, Winston 7 weight. Picked It up from the shop and the next day headed south towards Longview looking for Bulltrout. Found some great water and climbed up on some rocks to take in a deep pool when I lost my balance and fell. Once I gathered myself my 4-piece 7 weight turned into a 5-piece. Didn’t even get to cast it before it was sent for repairs. Oh and didn’t bring a second rod so drove back to Calgary pride in hand.
First fish you caught on a fly you tied?
Sunfish out of Lake Erie with a red worm. I know it’s not the most exciting but hey I was eight.
What excites you about working in the fly fishing community?
For me it’s simple…meeting people.
Would you consider any specific water body your home waters? How have these waters shaped you as fly angler?
I would have to say the Bow River is my home waters. For the past 10 years I’ve really focused on understanding the river, if that’s even possible. When you focus on a body of water like the Bow and think you have the upper hand it will inevitably remove all your confidence in one day. I think that is what has shaped me most, the Bow can be humbling.
Beyond simply catching fish, what excites you about fly fishing?
Easy, seeing the expression of other people when they feel a fish on the end of a fly rod.
What is your dream trip? Both within Canada and globally.
Artic Char in NWT
Wow so many places and species to choose from! To choose one is so difficult but if you twisted my arm I would have to say Milkfish in the Seychelles. Anyone want to sponsor the trip?!?!?
What's your #1 tip for a new fly fisher?
- Practice your cast
- Practice your cast
- Practice your cast