Fishing Report - July 11th, 2018


ES2 - AKA Central Alberta

Lots of bug activity is happening in central Alberta. Drakes, PMD’s, and Caddis are all present. We are starting to see some ants and beetles falling on the water as well. If you’re feeling ambitious and are hoping to catch that giant brown trout, don’t be afraid to get out and fish at night. Twitching/stripping large patterns such as big stoneflies and mice can bring out the large browns at night. Make sure to pack your headlamp.

Nymphs –  Copper John (Black,Red), Caddis larvae, Flashback caddis larvae, Dunnigan’s Green Drake Nymph

Streamers – Olive Wooly Buggers, Sex Dungeons, Barely Legals, Slump Busters, (Olive/White/Black streamers depending on the amount of light that day)

Dries – Caddis variations, Fuminsky’s Foam Green Drake, Hair Wing Dun, Film Critics


Bow River

The Bow has been fishing very well lately. If you are able to get on the river in the early morning or late evening, you’ll get to enjoy the stonefly hatch, one of the most enjoyable times to fish the Bow. Besides stoneflies, fish can also be found sipping Caddis and smashing streamers. Smaller streamers are now becoming more effective as their are lots of rainbow and brown trout fry in the river.

Nymphs – Prince Nymphs, Flashback Caddis Nymph, Plain Jane Weevil, Girdle Bugs, Tungsten Trout Retriever, Copperback Stone, Dunnigan’s drake nymphs

Dries – Chubby Chernobyl, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Caddis variations, PMD’s, Green Drakes,

Streamers – Wooly Buggers (Black, Olive, Brown) Muddler Minnows, Sculpzillas, Sex Dungeons, Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow,


Southern Alberta

Due to a decent amount of rain within the last couple of weeks, the fish are happy. Water levels in most streams are at a safe level for both fish and anglers. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the regulations down south as some of them have changed this year. 

Nymphs – Dunnigan’s Drake Nymphs, Prince Nymphs, Tungsten Trout Retrievers,

Streamers – Wooly Buggers, Sex Dungeons, Dalai Lamas, Silk Kitties

Dries – Drakes, PMD’s, Caddis, Stoneflies, Midges


Other Recommendations

· Keep an eye on flows when planning your trips. We will hopefully continue to get a decent amount of rain throughout the summer. Make sure to check out to help decide where to fish. There is also a very handy smartphone app that makes it easy to check flows on the go. 

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